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What is ATP and why is it essential for muscular strength, endurance and peak performance?

Ok! So we will try not to get too scientific on you but try and follow along because its kinda important that you know this stuff so you can fuel your hardworking instrument with the most beneficial forms of energy instead of the Guarana drinks or the caffeine kind ......

Adenosine Triphosphate (ATP) is a natural compound that creates energy at the cellular level. It is ATP that provides the energy for all the processes that our cells perform. This energy provides the foundation for human life itself. It is especially important for proper mental and physical performance .

Scientists call ATP ' the molecular currency' since it transfers energy within cells and throughout the body.

Every cell of the body has millions of chemical reactions that occur every second and most of them need energy orginating from ATP to occur.

So heres where it gets really serious......

It works like this ; ATP loses a phosphate molecule and become ADP, this frees an electron to be absorbed by an enzyme . ADP is then formed back into ATP when the phosphate molecule is later reattached. This process acts like a chemical engine that constantly gives energy to the many enzymes that carry out the processes of life . In muscle tissue this process leads to the creation of mechanical energy that is the basis of all muscle function and MOVEMENT !

But what you really want to know is how will it help my performance ?

If you can give your cells optimum levels of ATP and Co enzyme Q10 then your body will have the maximised energy levels to help you show your best pointe, crump, tap, adage, contraction or anything else your body can concieve. ATP stores in muscles are necessary for any dynamic movement this dude!

This is why we formulated 'Peak Energy Performance' This non stimulant energy supplement combines 2 of the bodies essential molecules for energy production and utilisation. With 'Peak Energy Performance' they come together to help you bring out your Peak Performance. Not only does this formulation help give you energy it also helps to remove lactic acid from the muscles, helping your recovery.

Click Here to get some ATP NOW!

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