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Company Artist

Kealy Fouracre

Kealy Fouracre has been dancing since the age of 3. Her career began in Melbourne where she attended VCASS then to Sydney to study with Tanya Pearson. She studied at  the Hungarian School of Dance and has completed a Diploma in Performing Arts from WAAPA. 



Kealy appears courtesy of ........

What tips would you give your 15 yr old self, starting full time Training?


I would tell myself four things.

1. To take every opportunity that comes your way, you will never know where it might lead you.

2. Never lose sight of why you started in the first place.

3. Your teachers and mentors are there to help you because they want to see you succeed. 

4. Enjoy every moment as it is such a valuable time.



What is your favorite strengthening exercise to work on your arabesque?

I have a strengthening ballet band so my favorite exercise for my arabesque is to attach it to one foot and then the opposite shoulder and take my leg into an arabesque. This one for me always gets the spot!



What do you do daily to increase your flexibility?


I like to go to Bikram Yoga as much as possible during the week, I find not only does in increase my flexibility but my strength too. 


How do you rehab from injury?


Luckily I have had no major injuries so far but when I have a small injury I often decrease my work load and do a lot of massage/ treatment in the area as well as a lot of strength work to get me back.


What do you do to try and prevent injuries?


To prevent injuries I try to keep up my strengthen exercises through Pilates and specific exercises from the physio. I also try to roll out my muscles with my foam roller and golf ball every morning and heat or ice the niggles I can feel at night.

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