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About Studio Daily 


The idea for 'Studio Daily' was born when a past ballet student (we like to call her “ the muse”) was going overseas to ballet school and was tested as deficient for several nutrients. The student needed many different  supplementations to rectify this problem before entry and it got us wondering if there was a nutritional supplement specifically designed for dancers and dance students that could support their diet and perhaps even enhance their performance.

After many hours of searching and researching and not really finding anything that combined all the elements we were looking for ( to support the needs of dancers as athletes as well as artists), we decided to create something ourselves. 


Designed with Dancers

More research and consultation with industry professionals like Nutritionists, Naturopaths, Physiologists, Osteopaths,  Physical Therapists and Doctors ensued. We then asked our professional dancer friends what supplements they were already taking and what they wanted from these supplements. The result is 'Studio Daily'.

 A Daily Vitamin and Mineral supplement with a important key ingredients AND  Antioxidants that you won't find blended in with your more common supermarket branded Vitamins.


Crafted Formula

Studio Daily is a carefully formulated and scientifically tested product that aims to meet the wish list provided by the ballet and dance professionals and students that were involved with our research.

We hope you will enjoy the benefits of this exhaustive journey.


Click Here to Order Studio Daily, Now !


Ingredient Panel Studio Daily 


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