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So? What Vitamins ARE best for Dancers?

So what Vitamins are Best for Dancers? Part 1

Well we know! Because we've done years of research on what Vitamins are best to recommended for dancers but its always interesting when you find an expert who validates your hard work!

Recently on a expedition through Amazon looking for other fantastic dance related products , we discovered a wonderful book called ‘Inspired to Dance: Everything You Need to Know About Becoming a Professional Dancer without Breaking a Leg by Mande Dagenais. In this valuable resource Ms Dagenai seeks advice from Dr Spencer H Baron , A highly revered sports injury specialist who has worked as the treating physician for many major broadway shows and was also the Team Chiropractic Physician for the Miami Dolphins and has treated players from the Mets and the Giants !

In Ms Dagenais book (p 141 Vitamins and Supplements for dancers) Dr Baron is quoted as saying

“A multi Vitamin is always important , and having said that , I want to make it clear that what you cannot do is eat a terrible diet and then pop a multivitamin expecting it to be a cure all. Unfortunately, unless you eat an absolutely impeccable diet, it will be difficult to get all your nutrients from food alone.

As former professional ballet dancers ourselves we understand the challenges of trying to maintain an impeccable diet when faced with a litany of rehearsals , performances and cross training. Our foremost concern has always been to have dancers optimal health at the top of our mission statement and agenda . This is what drives us everyday to seek out the best ingredients, techniques, manufacturers and health solutions for you , our dancer friends.

Tune in for part 2 of this blog when we get into specifics of micro nutrients needed by dancers for best outcomes from dance injury and inflammation.

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