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FLEXIBLE MUCH ? Have you tried PNF Stretching?

Dancers all want to be more flexible and are often searching for an extra few degrees in all their stretches where ever they can get it.

One of the best and fastest ways to increase flexibility Is PNF or Contract Relax stretching. When we stretch a muscle, the stretch reflex from the muscle gets sent to the CNS (Central Nervous System) saying that, there is the potential for muscle damage. The CNS sends a message back to slightly contract the stretching muscle to help protect it against damage. After around 10-15 seconds in a stretch the CNS ‘feels’ safe to let the muscle relax and that is when you get the familiar release in a stretch; after you've been sitting in it for awhile. PNF (proprioceptive neuromuscular facilitation) stretching has some major benefits in this regard.

The stretching muscle is already consciously contracted (working) so an unconscious reflex doesn’t have to take over and as you have conscious contraction it means that you can also consciously relax your contraction on the muscle and move more deeply into the stretch.

Another major benefit is that the muscle is working in the bigger range of motion so you are also building strength which also means that the greater range of motion will be more available to you with less warm up (over time) and you will be decreasing the injury risk that can so often occur when muscles are too flexible and weak to properly support the joints that they act upon.

The Technique:

This can be applied to all your stretches but I will use the front splits for clarity. As with all new techniques care should be taken, don’t push too hard too soon and listen to your body!

After your usual warm up to increase core temperature, move down into your front splits until you feel a stretch. Once in a ‘comfortable’ position push both legs down into the floor like you are trying to hold yourself up. This muscular contraction can be held for 2-30 seconds. Gently lower yourself deeper into the splits and/or square your position. Repeat this contract relax process 3-10 times.

With regular stretching using PNF you should quickly progress with your flexibility and your strength and control should also noticeably improve.

Some people hold the muscle contraction until the muscles completely fatigues and cannot contract any further BUT this is extremely difficult and painful and should only be done when you are completely comfortable and very experienced with PNF stretching.

This method of stretching can be applied to any stretch and will help you to improve every facet of your Dancing.

I’ve never understood why it is not taught to dancers as part of standard ‘how to stretch’.

Good Luck and let us know how you progress.

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