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Freshen your breath ? Your Pas de Deux partner says "YES PLEASE " and other reasons you sh

Chorella is a powerful detoxifier mainly as it is rich in chlorophyll, which is known to:

-Enhance your ability to focus and concentrate.

-Increase your energy levels.

-Balance your Bods' pH.

-Help to normalize blood sugar and blood pressure.

-Enables you to process more oxygen for energy production.

-Cleanse key elimination systems like bowel, liver and blood.

-Help to purify your blood and eliminate toxins.

-Aid in promoting optimal blood pressure.

-Support the elimination of molds in your body.

-Help to neutrslise bad chemicals that you may ingrest or breathe.

-Promote growth and repair of your tissues including muscle, tendons and ligaments.

-Boost your immune system.

-Improve digestion especially if constipation is an issue.


Freshens the Breath !

That is why we had to include this powerful green food in our supplemtent made specifically for dancers !

Chorella is a single celled micro algae that is about 2-10 microns in size it is very small. It this asmall size combined with its unique properties that make it such a useful detox tool. Its molecular structure allows it to bond to metal, chemicals and some pesticides. Maintaining optimum wellness includes creating defense mechanisms to fight back against the pervasive and sometimes unavoidable environmnetal assaults on your good health.

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